Herbal Bath
Postpartum Blend
Perfect for: Anyone who just gave life to another human and could maybe use a break?
Ingredients: calendula flower, rose petal, yarrow flower, lavender flower, comfrey leaf, plantain leaf, rosemary leaf, sea salt
Pregnancy Blend
Perfect for: Anyone who isn't quite glowing during pregnancy.
Ingredients: calendula flower, red raspberry leaf, peppermint leaf, lavender flower, lemon balm leaf, yarrow flower, epsom salts
Labor Blend
Perfect for: Anyone whose labor is a marathon, not a sprint.
Ingredients: red raspberry leaf, sage leaf, rose petal, jasmine flower, frankincense resin
Sitz Bath Blend
Perfect for: Anyone whose perineum needs a little TLC.
Ingredients: witch hazel leaf, uva ursi leaf, plantain leaf, comfrey leaf, peppermint leaf
Calm Baby Blend
Perfect for: Grumpy babies and their exhausted caregivers.
Ingredients: calendula flower, chamomile flower, lavender flower, whole oats, lemon balm leaf